GEOST 2.3, Geo-Stationary Satellites' position Copyright 1992-97 Giuliano Artico I3LGP Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata Address: Via Belzoni 7, 35131 PADOVA Phone : +39 +49 8275909 E-mail : WWW : AX25 : I3LGP@IW3GRX.IVEN.ITA.EU DISTRIBUTION AND USE LICENSE The software GEOST is public domain and may be freely used, copied and distributed. However, the following conditions must be observed: - the package must be distributed in its original unmodified form, by means of the self-extracting RAR archive GEOSTnn.EXE (where "nn" is the version number identification), which is equipped with autenticity validation; - no person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of GEOST; - only a small fee to cover the cost of copying and postal handling may be charged. Obviously, the above norms apply also when the software GEOST is included in another software package or when it is supplied with a product of any kind: one or more GEOST files may be provided in uncompressed form, but the original compressed RAR archive must ALWAYS be supplied in the distribution. Any person or company, interested to include GEOST in their products, must simply send an acknowledgement to the author of GEOST, either via letter or via E-mail. ******** GEOST is distributed "as is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk. The author and his Department will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.